Four Christian faculty spoke tonight to Denton Bible’s “Mars Hill” group at UNT.
Nancy DiMarco (Nutrition, TWU); and UNT profs George Yancey (Sociology), Kay Littler (Physics) and Joseph Oppong (Geography) talked about their spiritual journeys, and gave advice to students on how to live out their faith in academia.
“Don’t forget that you represent the Lord Jesus Christ,” Oppong told the students. “Do all of your studies with excellence. We are not called to mediocrity as Christians; we are called to live with excellence.”
DiMarco talked about her own spiritual journey: growing up in Colorado, going through undergraduate school uncertain about her beliefs, and then attending a Bible study with a Christian friend during her graduate school days. “I was helped because a Christian friend took the time to care,” she explained.
After the presentation, students commented upon the encouragement they received from having Christian professors speak to them. Others said that while they often are encouraged to study their Bibles and share their faith, they don’t always hear a message of doing their class work with excellence; they found the words from the professors helpful.