Monthly Archives: September 2021

Small groups – Fall 2021




Interested in being part of a small group for university faculty, staff and administrators?

People at your church love you — but they rarely understand the academic world — it is not like the business world, or government world. People in these UNT groups are your peers who can encourage and support you.

  • Groups meet every other week for 45 minutes.
  • We have both virtual and in person groups currently meeting.
  • For more info, contact us at ntbelievers [at]

Worship Service — September 10

Friday 8:00-8:50 AM
Goolsby Chapel

As the third week of the semester draws to a close, please join us!
Dr. Nandika D’Souza will be telling about her own lifetime journey as a professor, an immigrant to America, and as a Christian.

Our event is open to the entire UNT community.