Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fall 2024 – Join us!

It’s easy to feel alone as a Christian within academia — sometimes you are misunderstood because of your faith. And at church, people don’t seem to get the world of the university.

Our small group materials address this unique world of the college campus.

If you are interested in being in small group Bible study, please let us know. We know life is busy – our groups meet for 45 minutes, every other week.

Email us: ntbelievers [at] gmail [.] com

Susan Siaw Visit April 1-3

Dr. Susan Siaw
Psychology, Cal Poly Pomona

Susan Siaw (pronounced See-ow, rhymes with Meow) has been a follower of Jesus Christ since age 7. She is a loyal Trojan, having earned a Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Southern California. Her field is developmental psychology, with a particular interest in how memory and intellect change across the lifespan. She retired in 2020 after 37 years as a professor at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She continues her ties with the university by teaching part-time and serving as a Faculty Affiliate of Faculty Commons, Cru.

Susan loves to support professors with the goal of encouraging them to depend on and serve God in the university. There are many ideas that can encourage faculty, including prayer walks, Bible studies, welcome gifts for new faculty, book discussions, roundtables dinners, international ministry, and coaching.

If you would like to meet Susan while she is in Denton, contact us.

Stumbling Among The Lions March 21

Dr. Sam Matteson is a retired professor of physics (UNT Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus).

In the 27 years he was on faculty he served at various times as Chair and Interim Chair of Physics, Materials Science, and Speech and Hearing Sciences. During his time in academia he was an active member and contributor to the Christian Faculty Staff Network.


Faculty and staff in academics inevitably face adversity and often conflict.
“In the course of our sojourn in the academic jungle we find many opportunities to forgive the lions that threaten to devour us. It can be hard, but by the grace of God we can access the strength to do so. In the middle of my decade as chair of an academic department I was fired for what many saw as unjustified campus-political reasons. I will share how I found the grace to deal positively with this hurt and what were the unexpected repercussions.”

The Legal Lines — Feb 21

Ever wondered “So where are the lines legally for what I can say (or not say) as a Christian professor or administrator?” We had the chance to hear answers from Lori Kepner and Chris Gleason.

Lori is a graduate of the University of California Berkeley Law School and on the staff of Cru. She has dealt with First Amendment issues for Christian students and faculty for more than 18 years.

Chris Gleason is a graduate of William and Mary Law school and for many years worked for many years as an attorney for the Drug Enforcement Agency, dealing with First Amendment and other issues. In his second career he also served in the General Counsel Office of Cru.

IF you weren’t able to attend you can view the recording HERE.