Highlights: March 23 Luncheon – Dr. Adegbola T. Adesogan

Adegbola Adesogan
University of Florida
Professor, Ruminant Nutrition

“I have been struck by the fact that those who spend many years working at a university, and then pass away, are quickly forgotten,” Bola said. “People move on and are busy with life. It has reminded me of the transitory nature of life… as C.T.Studd once remarked:
Only one life, twill soon be past;
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

“So I think about:
#1 What are the talents God has given me? How will I use them?
#2 Whose glory do I seek? Gal 2:20 says I have been crucified with Christ. I seek His glory more than my own now.

“The most important decision I ever made was to surrender my life to God and to receive His son Jesus Christ as my Savior,” Dr.Adesogan writes. You can read about his life on his webpage.