Dr. Sam Matteson, physics, wrote in this week’s Ministry Minute:”On the first day of class I introduce myself as a Christ-follower.”
For those faculty considering ways to bring up their faith while introducing themselves, Matteson recommends:
- “Remember that this is a personal statement. Use your own words and avoid sounding like canned institutional propaganda or like a liturgical recitation. Your words should be about you; you are explaining that faith is personal but not private. Your words and demeanor should reflect what is important to your life as a scholar and educator.
- “Be wise. I find it prudent to write out what I wish to say and to stick to the script, for several reasons: (1) so I can have a wise brother or sister vet my remarks before hand and advise me on the tone, content and length; (2) so I can honor my students’ time and steward well my responsibility as an instructor by being concise and on point; (3) and so that if a student—or anyone else for that matter—complains (and I have had five complaints in 25 years), I can defuse the issue by providing exactly what I said.”